Explore Recipes by Category
Practical examples of how to use Oracle JET components inside an Oracle Visual Builder application. For example, how to create an editable Table component using BufferingDataProvider, how to control multiple selection in a Table component, advanced customization of a Data Grid component, various ways to populate and render a Select (Single) component, how to code tree navigation or row expander, and more . . .
Bar Chart
Bar Chart
Use the Bar Chart component to visually present information about salaries for various departments
Components Chart
Batch Editable Table (BDP)
Batch Editable Table (BDP)
Implement an editable table using Buffering Data Provider with Service Data Provider where users can edit multiple existing rows or create new rows, before they submit all t...
Components Table
Cascading List of Values
Cascading List of Values
Implement cascading lists of values using the Select (Single) component (oj-select-single)
Components List of Values - LOV
Checkbox Set
Checkbox Set
Demonstrates how to populate the Checkbox Set component with data from a Service Data Provider (SDP), preselect an item, implement custom selection, and reset selections in the component
Components Checkbox Set
Complex Filters
Complex Filters
Write complex server-side filtering using the Service Data Provider
Components Table
Data Grid Styling
Data Grid Styling
Style the cells and headers of the Data Grid component using its styling attributes
Components Data Grid
Editable Data Grid
Editable Data Grid
Editable Data Grid component
Components Data Grid
Editable Form Table
Editable Form Table
Use a Form Layout in an editable Table component
Components Table
Frozen Data Grid Columns
Frozen Data Grid Columns
Use a Data Grid Provider instance to create frozen columns and rows in a Data Grid component
Components Data Grid
Many Editable Rows
Many Editable Rows
Use the Bind For Each component to create an editable form for multiple rows on one page
Components Editable Rows
Many to Many
Many to Many
Use Table and Dialog components to manage data where a many-to-many relationship exists between the Employee and Skills business objects
Components Table
Master Detail
Master Detail
Implement a master-detail relationship using two Table components in an Oracle Visual Builder app
Components Table
Row Data Grid Provider
Row Data Grid Provider
Use RowDataGridProvider to populate Data Grid component
Components Data Grid
Select-Single Demos
Select-Single Demos
Implement use cases that use the Select (Single) component
Components List of Values - LOV
Table Actions
Table Actions
Open a Dialog component from a Table component row where users can then edit the data for the selected row
Components Table
Table Add Row
Table Add Row
Display an empty row at the top of a table so that users can easily enter new data
Components Table
Table Columns Select
Table Columns Select
Select and update which table columns to display and save preferences in device storage
Components Table
Table Multi Select
Table Multi Select
Enable multiple row selection in a Table component using checkboxes and programatically
Components Table
Table Row Expander
Table Row Expander
Implement row expanders in a Table component when a hierarchical relationship exists between data rows
Components Table
Tree Navigation
Tree Navigation
Create a single-level tree structure navigation list in a Drawer Layout. It also describes the steps to include this navigation list in the shell page of your application
Components Navigation
REST Services
Demonstrates how to integrate Oracle REST Data Services into an Oracle Visual Builder application, how to upload and download attachments from Oracle Content Management or Oracle Fusion Applications, how to batch multiple changes into a single REST transaction, upload CSV files, use Oracle Visual Builder's REST Helper API, and more . . .
CSV File Loading
CSV File Loading
Download and upload CSV files that contain data referenced by the business objects in your application
Oracle Cloud Applications
Oracle Cloud Applications
Manage image and PDF file attachments associated with an Oracle Cloud Application's activity from a Visual Builder app
Oracle Content Management
Oracle Content Management
Manage image and PDF files in an Oracle Content Management folder from a Visual Builder app
ORDS Integration
ORDS Integration
Get data from an instance of Oracle Data REST Services that you can filter, sort and paginate in your Visual Builder application. It also demonstrates how to filter the retr...
REST Helper
REST Helper
Use Visual Builder's RestHelper API to call service connection endpoints from JavaScript
Dynamic Components
Basic usage examples of the Dynamic Table and Dynamic Form components, plus how to customize these components.
Business Rules Object Context
Business Rules Object Context
Use $objectContext in a business rule within a dynamic form to update field values based on changes in another field
Dynamic Form
Checkbox Field Template
Checkbox Field Template
Add a checkbox field template to a dynamic form to update several fields
Dynamic Form
Customize Select Single Layout
Customize Select Single Layout
Customize the layout of dropdown lists in a dynamic form that use Select Single components.
Dynamic Form
Editable Form Table
Editable Form Table
Make rows in a dynamic table editable, and display a form for editing
Dynamic Table
Editable Table
Editable Table
Make the rows in a dynamic table editable. Display an empty row at the top of the table so users can enter new data easily.
Dynamic Table
List View Form
List View Form
Implement a dynamic form in a List View component
Dynamic Other
Personalized Columns
Personalized Columns
Personalize a dynamic table display: Allow the user to select which columns to display and in what order.
Dynamic Table
Value Precedence
Value Precedence
How to use the value precedence property of a field in a dynamic form when both user input and system calculations can update its value
Dynamic Form
Progressive Web Apps
Learn how to use browser support for Progressive Web Apps and enhance Oracle Visual Builder applications with device-specific features.
Use the Get Location action to get a user’s live location
Swipe to Edit List
Swipe to Edit List
Edit a List View component by swiping the list item from right to left
Take Photo
Take Photo
Use the File Picker action to access the camera and photo gallery on the device where your application is installed
Includes common application coding patterns and techniques, page layouts, details on how to write custom validation or switch language, and more . . .
Async Validators
Async Validators
Create a form control within a Validation Group component where the action chain triggered by the component event calls a JavaScript function that uses Oracle JET's AsyncValidator API
Custom JavaScript Validator
Custom JavaScript Validator
Validate input fields using custom JavaScript
Dashboard Template
Dashboard Template
Create a skeleton responsive dashboard template with animation effects
Language Switcher
Language Switcher
Switch between multiple languages and display content in the newly-selected language
Multi Step Wizard
Multi Step Wizard
Implement a multi-step wizard using a Train component so that users step through the process to change an employee's job role
Prevent Double Submission
Prevent Double Submission
Prevent double click of the Button component and, as a result, double submission
Show UI When Ready
Show UI When Ready
Show the UI when data is ready
Value Converter
Value Converter
Use the Oracle JET Converter API to format date, time, currency, and decimal strings
12 Most Downloaded Recipes
Batch Editable Table (BDP)
Implement an editable table using Buffering Data Provider with Service Data Provider where users can edit multiple existing rows or create new rows, before they submit all t...
Components Table
CSV File Loading
Download and upload CSV files that contain data referenced by the business objects in your application
Table Multi Select
Enable multiple row selection in a Table component using checkboxes and programatically
Components Table
Select-Single Demos
Implement use cases that use the Select (Single) component
Components List of Values - LOV
Editable Table
Make the rows in a dynamic table editable. Display an empty row at the top of the table so users can enter new data easily.
Dynamic Table
Dashboard Template
Create a skeleton responsive dashboard template with animation effects
Table Add Row
Display an empty row at the top of a table so that users can easily enter new data
Components Table
Editable Form Table
Use a Form Layout in an editable Table component
Components Table
Cascading List of Values
Implement cascading lists of values using the Select (Single) component (oj-select-single)
Components List of Values - LOV
Oracle Cloud Applications
Manage image and PDF file attachments associated with an Oracle Cloud Application's activity from a Visual Builder app
Table Actions
Open a Dialog component from a Table component row where users can then edit the data for the selected row
Components Table
Tree Navigation
Create a single-level tree structure navigation list in a Drawer Layout. It also describes the steps to include this navigation list in the shell page of your application
Components Navigation